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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.

Have you ever heard somebody quote this before, "you have to be good, you have to go to church weekly, or daily, you have to do good deeds in order for you to go to heaven or for God to love you more?" Yes, I’ve heard those quotes several times!!! "You have to love God more, serve in the church etcetera etcetera…" And I was reading another pastor’s blog and he defined what the true definition of love is, this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us…. Yes, it is not about how we love Him, or how we serve Him, but how He loved us first!
Yes, the Bible clearly instructs that we must love God will all our heart, soul and strength. Jesus also said that when He was still on earth. But like what the pastor said, that was before He died on the cross… At the cross, Jesus died and became the fulfillment of all the prophecies. Instead us doing the loving with all our heart, all our souls and strength, He himself did that, He gave His heart, soul and strength by giving up His own very body and life on the cross for us all.
I was talking to a friend and he was explaining how a divorce should be done according to the bible, sabi the person should the other person on his/her face, remove the slipper etcetera, he was explaining how to worship God as said in the old testament in the bible, he was trying to be a religious scholar to me, he was explaining how we should not commit adultery. On how we should follow the 10 commandments. I clearly explained to him my friend, that today, we are no longer under that law, Jesus waived that laws for us, because we are no longer under that law, but under His mighty GRACE! And grace clearly tells us that God loves us first, not that we love Him.
Just like to my daughters, I don’t love them because they love me or their mom, I simply love my children for who they are, I simply love them not because they do something for us? Or they have been good girls or got an honor from the school or cleaned the house? We (Puppen and I) love them because simply they are our children. Same with our God, He loves us because He loves us first.Because He loves us, God wants you to sit down and relax and let Him love you instead. He loves you unconditionally regardless of what you have done, where you have been, His love is not dependent on what you did. God will not stop loving you. The more you receive His love, the more you will give it in return.