Have you met a person who seems to always lift your spirit when you are around them or when you call them? They always say encouraging word, they always keep you fired up and when they leave, it seems that they left something hopeful. It’s not that they have all the answers, but they just know what to do and what to say.
Guess what, people from International Auto Source are like that. IAS is a company who provides car for people who are relocating from another country to the USA. And as a foreigner without a driving history and a credit history in the US, I had a hard time going to a bank and asking for a loan. IAS trusted us with their money and services. Matthew and Douglas took care of everything, and mind you, as an experienced sales person, I know who is sincere or who is not. These people are so sincere, you just can’t believe that it’s true. They keep a very professional attitude and they try to really understand your situation. They make it a point to encourage you and lift you up during your car waiting time. On top of that, they are helping out our own countrymen at Hospicio De San Jose at Manila, Philippines. I believe that this company will someday be big for their greatest assets are their sincere and hardworking people.

I believe we should all learn from this company. When we wake up in the morning, let’s set an example for someone. Let us try to impact someone. Matthew and Douglas made an impact to me when they called and did all my paperwork. They made it a point to give me updates. When you inspire someone, you impact someone in your life; you help them to rise higher; you help them to be greater than you; you help them to be a better person. In short you are an enabler.
Today, make it a point to encourage your friends, your co-workers, your siblings and most specially your customers. You are called to encourage people and bless people. Do it not because it’s your job, do it because God tells you to do so. Find a way to lift others people’s spirit, because you are the hands and feet of God in this earth.
Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out (Ephesians 6:18).
So if you are a new or a relocating foreigner, try International Auto Source, you will never go wrong!
To Matthew and Douglas. You did a great job! Keep up the good work!!! And to the management of IAS, these people are great! They deserve a raise. LOL!